Thursday, September 4, 2008

Doggie hangover

This all started when I was searching for an article about the Labor Day dog dip at Cool Waters and came across a blog about a dog who had attended. I thought we should have a blog to amuse our readers with stories about our home and its inhabitants, including our labrador, Finn. So, just as I was one of the last people in my age group to learn to download music, I will be one of the last to start a blog.

I think we have sufficiently recovered from the long Labor Day weekend which would not have been complete without Finn eating something he shouldn't. This time he really went all out and got into some leftover cooking oil that was used to fry asparagus and eggplant. Of course all that oil came back out in the middle of the night in the form of dog vomit complete with tiny pieces of asparagus mixed in. The next day we compared it to one of Jeremy's infamous Jack Daniels hangovers when he spends much time in the bathroom and the alcohol literally comes out of his pores. Finn even smelled like cooking oil!

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